13 September 2014

Saturday Infographic - Monsoon plays catch-up

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Monsoon is the lifeline of the Indian economy. A good Monsoon brings in bountiful rainfall, which in turn can push up aggregate demand, generate employment and higher incomes, all of which will raise overall economic growth.

This year, pre-Monsoon predictions were not encouraging because of the El Nino factor. However, things seem to have worked well of late, especially after a flop show in July. Here's an infographic detailing the total area sown and water levels in reservoirs across regions, compared with last year's data. 

Infographic sourced from Financial Express.

1 comment:

Apologies Lizzy said...


Can you please publish an article on the formation of UK and Scotland trying to remove itself from the union.

Thanks in advance